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Annual Spring Recital

Our Annual Spring Recital is right around the corner! We will be preforming in the beautiful Laker High School Auditorium and it is a ticketed event, seating is limited and tickets will become available for purchase soon. Please make sure all balances are paid (costumes/monthly fees/ tights/ and video cost) as soon as possible. 


~Dates and times are as follows for 23-24 Dance and Gym Recital. 


April 18th weekend: Thursday-Sunday. Times to be determined. 





Q & A

Recital Tickets: This is a ticketed event and per fire code, everyone that is in the facility will be needing to purchase a ticket to meet code (even infants/toddlers). Parents will also need to have tickets for whatever show/shows they want to attend. Tickets are $10/each and those prices have not changed in the over 10 years of recitals with Self-Expressions. 


Where students will be held: The recital will be broadcasted live for the dancers/gymnastics in in the gym for them to watch, they will not be entering the auditorium after they preform. If you are willing to volunteer to help in the gym, please let myself or Mrs. Susan know so we can add you to the list. 


Length and Protocol: Recitals run about 2 hours give or take, but we start promptly at the times given with brief intermissions to keep things moving. You are more than welcome to take breaks throughout, but can only go in and out of the auditorium before and/or after a routine. This is to be mindful of those preforming and watching.  






Remind App


Pigeon: @se2dance

Bad Axe: @basedance

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